Parenting on Purpose, where your self development journey and your parenting journey meet! POP is a podcast dedicated to empowering parents and guardians with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to raise happy, healthy, and resilient children while also prioritizing their own well-being. We believe that in order to be the best parents we can be, we must first take care of ourselves and continue to grow and develop as individuals. Our podcast covers a wide range of topics related to parenting, child development, and family dynamics, as well as self-care, stress management, and personal growth. We feature interviews with experts in the field of parenting, as well as real-life stories and experiences from other parents and guardians who are committed to thriving in all aspects of their lives. Our goal is to create a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for parenting and a commitment to personal growth and well-being. We believe that by focusing on our own health and development, we can create a more positive and nurturing environment for our children to thrive in. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth as we learn together how to be the best parents we can be while having loads of fun and adventures along the way!